The Artist

The Artist

About this project

The crea­tures who inha­bit this earth, must be to them at least as ali­en and low­ly as are the mon­keys and lemurs to us. The intellec­tu­al side of man alre­a­dy admits that life is an inces­sant strugg­le for exis­tence, and it would seem that this too is the belief of the minds upon Mars. Their world is far gone in its coo­ling and this world is still crow­ded with life, but crow­ded only with what they regard as infe­ri­or ani­mals. To car­ry war­fa­re sun­ward is, inde­ed, their only escape from the des­truc­tion that, gene­ra­ti­on after gene­ra­ti­on, creeps upon them.
And befo­re we judge of them too harsh­ly we must remem­ber what ruthl­ess and utter des­truc­tion our own spe­ci­es has wrought, not only upon ani­mals, such as the vanis­hed bison and the dodo, but upon its infe­ri­or races. The Tas­ma­ni­ans, in spi­te of their human liken­ess, were enti­re­ly swept out of exis­tence in a war of exter­mi­na­ti­on waged by Euro­pean immi­grants, in the space of fif­ty years. Are we such apost­les of mer­cy as to com­plain if the Mar­ti­ans war­red in the same spirit.


Date:  26. Mai 2014
Skills:  Objects, Urban
Client:  The Big Newspaper