Macro Adventures

Macro Adventures

About this project

And as I crossed Phutra’s flower-bespan­gled plain that time I see­med almost to fly, though how much of the sen­sa­ti­on was due to Perry’s sug­ges­ti­on and how much to actua­li­ty I am sure I do not know. The more I thought of Per­ry the less plea­su­re I took in my new-found free­dom. The­re could be no liber­ty for me within Pel­lu­ci­dar unless the old man shared it with me, and only the hope that I might find some way to encom­pass his release kept me from tur­ning back to Phutra.
Just how I was to help Per­ry I could scar­ce ima­gi­ne, but I hoped that some for­tui­tous cir­cum­s­tance might sol­ve the pro­blem for me. It was quite evi­dent howe­ver that litt­le less than a mira­cle could aid me, for what could I accom­plish in this stran­ge world, naked and unar­med? It was even doubtful that I could retrace my steps to Phu­tra should I once pass bey­ond view of the plain, and even were that pos­si­ble, what aid could I bring to Per­ry no mat­ter how far I wandered?


Date:  26. Mai 2014
Skills:  Objects, Urban
Client:  Zaratrusta Inc.